Sunday, March 29, 2009

evrythings goes mad...

these few days...keep watching the phone..i can't even touch bad....
juz then morning i sms again....first evrything was fine...but then in the afternoon...i recieve a news...that make me shocked....bout frenz...

first to tell....dun be sad....evrything has it owns time to go...juz we dunno when is it....only god know and he arrange for us....but to tell here is...take ur life more serious..and evry moment now is precious...
recall those memories when my grandpa passed away..though i m small but i know that evry moment now is more precious when you saw ur families left....because my grandpa is always working we dun have much time to spend with him...but when he passed away...we can sense that he felt more relax..and have more freedom then last time...he dun have to bz bout work...and we can sense that he was always with us.......something more bad, my grandpa passed away in AUGUST 2004, on one TUESDAY..he was moving the packets of rice to the store....but WEDNESDAY he have to go for check up and do by-past for the heart......SUDDENLY the blood pressure raise and he juz faint...and we are going to miss him forever....though my grandma asked him to have a rest..but he juz wanna work....sometimes sad thinking bout that...but i makes me believe that something that is set up by god...and i meant to changing.....we juz have to follow and be more carefull....

today goin for gathering......yeah....long time no see my frenz....
but i got lotz of things to do..i have to finish it first..tata...

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