Wednesday, July 22, 2009


frens is to always be happy, Right i know that, but why is there so many unhappy stuff happening?? i hate this kind of frenship, everyone have a nice dream world, nice imagination world, but why are there something that can be happen to make all our dreams over?

Life is hard, but without fear, without pain, without sorrow, without arguement, is there a place suitable for this fact? The answer is "NO"
i try to fight myself for not posting the anger of myself here, but sometimes we have to let someone know that she is such a bad person in our eyes, although she din meant that but just to tell her to change her bad point to good, is there anything we done wrong??
stupid, i dunno
with my love to my frens, this arguement is not a hurting point for us, it just tied us tighter, for our frenship, make us more tough, this sense of melancholy will pass through, but it will always to be remembered as a process!

I thought you were my miracles
That i confuse my feeling,
with the truth
I thought you felt it too
but you don't
when there was me and you

time come and go, you come and go too, but the memories will always stayed




你这张脸,不要以为被罪或就了不起,看看那些追过你的人啦,“七个傻,八个坏,九个呆,还有一个没人爱。。。”就是因为你也好不到哪里去,吗人家cheap,早一下镜子啦,好骗,天真无邪!“我太傻了”---阿娇!拜托!矜持不是这样装得啦!不要以为你恨expensive,拒绝人家,还要我们做替死鬼!CHEAP!!!!! 这样讲,很恨,但你贱,我们当然也不落后,陪你贱到底!每天装一幅可怜兮兮的样子,做到像我们欺负你,你受了很多委屈!好心你啦,要可怜的是你的“阿四”他们吧!

吵架后,你第一个恶人先告状,委屈的人都没有告状,默默忍受你的污辱,你却这样cheap,去找老师“老师,我很想和他们和号(哭)”听了都没有一点真心,诚意:send msg 给玮和婷,每个人看了都没有感动,全都没有感受到你的真心,只是感受到你忘了把我们检起来丢进垃圾桶,再循环!Aiya 不能怪啦,你一开始就cheap再先,所以现在我们在变贵一点咯!这样就算了,以为我好欺负,要跟我装熟,拜托啦~不要每天跟我们借东西,伽都反感了,自己不会带啊??不是很有money的啊,驾大车不是啊?以前不是直接抢啊,现在突然之间改型,天塌下来了,我不知所措!

最近,又听我们讲话,让自己新岁,自作自受,活该!装听不到有这样好受吗? 叫我们帮你买东西,“thank you, 谢谢“有讲吗?讨厌你这种人,负责任一点又不会死,死爱脸!!面子很重要吗?对你这种人有用吗?你的脸是真得很厚,去一下胶质,我没骗你!爱护自己的脸!然后自己的脸喷一点香水,再出来,免得熏死人!不要做杀人犯哦!

i hate to do this things inside my nice blog, but on some special case , this girl is damn.....f......can stand her bad attitude, make used of everyone then throw away just like the rubbish. Do you wan to be a rubbish,?? NO ,yes No, but still she dun no her fault, wat a sad news! god bless her...


I'm deaf for
A day....
Don't got shocked...
because i'm sick
Pain covering all over my ear...
got better when i go for the doctor...
more better than i'm deaf...
the doctor is JAWS
just a few touch
lots of medicine....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


在2008年,我们有共同的话题,共同的兴趣,结成了8朵金花,8姐妹,一起度过的欢乐时光,我们都不曾忘记!或许去年,我们都还不了解彼此,都觉得我们很好,永远都分不开,我们友情自间的的坚固,是没有人能够分得开!就在这奇妙的缘分下,我们又与就建立起来,就入new couple一样,一开始轰轰烈烈的,天天秘密,无忧无虑!!好怀念从前哦!就像你说的一样,好怀念我们自间曾拥有的欢乐,可是如今还有人员一受气吗??难道我们是傻瓜吗??答案,我们都不是,所以不要那么天真了啦!我们之间是没有可能了,所以别以为那老师当靠山,我们就会乖乖就范,慢慢等!

转眼到了2009年,庆祝友情1岁了!!"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." 想起这生日歌,就想起为彼此过生日的日子是多么的幸福,开心!!咳!假期是我买了好多的手信,一各人的喜好,特点!每个人的需要!我们都开开心心的,坐在同一组,8朵金花,口号“不分离”也许是大家黏得太紧了,感情好到更了解一个人,更看透一各人的真心!就如所说的,“路遥知马力,日就见人心” 我们可以忘记你,但不会忘记我们曾拥有过的时光美好!忘记一个把每个人当佣人来利用的人,就像丢掉一个寄生虫!这么简单。。

不愉快的事也渐渐开始萌芽了!或许我是比较孤僻的人,所以有时候,8朵金花“开会”时,我都没有到,可是会跟我讲,姐妹是没有秘密的。我也不知道最近有更劲爆的消息,我还不清楚,晶晶,你在我们的花群里或许是最娇小的一个,成绩不怎么理想,迁就你,我们是因该的,还是活该的?现在的局势,我们的确是活该的!之前,我们是7朵金花,7 姐妹,是你被另一方挤出来,然后再来我们这里满足你有朋友的欲望!当初,我们好心收留你,却逐渐变成,你是主人,我们是下人。我们就渐渐被你的娇小的“美色”骗得团团转!很好玩吗??这样将对你很公平,找遍全世界的人来为我们评评理,因为我从来就没有做过你得吓人,我从没向你低头!我会耍恨,但不会! 在你面前,我或许是个好好人,可以跟我谈谈,可是我要告诉你,你太低估我了,我是有着天使的面孔,在心里却住着一个恶魔!你或许会说你恨少得罪我,可是你得罪了我们7朵金花里的姐妹,也就等于间接伤害我!我有权去讨厌你,恨你,那时我的思想自由,我想什么,你是不能控制的,我想做的,也是我的自由,别想操控我们,我们不要做你的傀儡!
我不像那样软,我以硬来对付你这个魔鬼,对待你苛刻的要求!我受的伤害当然比和伽 来得轻!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

beloved Michael Jackson..(late blessing)

beloved M.J was gone....

Sorry that I'm late to post this up...i m quite busy this days...

First to said...

At first I dunno much of M.J not till his death...

When he was still alive, so much of negative articles 'bout him but he don't seems to feel annoying anyway...Maybe now he will get his freedom from those Paparazzi..get away from the bad news of himself...

God Bless Him...

Seems like every genius in this cruel world, will left us earlier...M.J, Edison, Newton, Lincolm....

What a price they have to pay for their fame and knowledge...

Just untill their death we will regret why don't we spend more time with them...

This is reallity, we won't care about something not untill when it was gone, then we will cry for it...

Listening to his song, think back those wonderful time the King of Pop dancing on the stage, the spectators faint, yelling, enjoying....what a successful artist/musician...composing songs for the starving children, helping them from the bad condition...what he said" Children should be are not alone..."

"Another day has gone

I'm still all alone

How could this be

You're not here with me

You never said goodbye

Someone tell me why

Did you have to go

And leave my world so cold.....

You are not alone

For I'm here with you

Though you far apart

I'm here to stay...."

Try to listen his Childhood...

What a sad Childhood he had...